Press Release: Graphic Monthly’s Printer of the Year is Jay Mandarino

> December 1, 2012 CJ Graphics Inc. News, Press Release


The lessons he learned on the ramps and rails keep Mandarino on top of his printing game.

JAY MANDARINO, THE MAN behind C.J. Graphics Printers and Lithographers, is weaving through the equipment on the production floor of the company’s digital plant in western Toronto. A Xerox iGen is humming on the left and Jay stops for a second to pick up a sheet that comes sliding out, then puts it down, then quickly snaps it up again for reexamination. He zooms past a couple of Océ machines, cracking wise with a few employees. Now he’s scooting past two laser die cutters with dynamic red Zund logos, giving feedback about an opened curtain that should always stay drawn. Zip zip zip.

Download and read the full article here

About CJ Graphics Inc.
CJ Graphics is a member of the CJ Group of Companies, one of the largest privately-owned communications and graphics solutions firms in Canada. With 31 companies, and growing, under its umbrella, the CJ Group of Companies offers a complete suite of services that includes traditional lithography, digital printing, large-format production, screen printing, interactive solutions, mailing services, bindery services, fulfillment and logistics services, and publishing.

Jay Mandarino founded CJ Graphics 35 years ago and has grown the company into the multi-faceted enterprise it is today. The company’s new, custom-designed; 240,000 sq. foot state-of-the-art facility in Toronto will be finished late October 2017.

For more information:

Jay Mandarino
President & CEO
CJ Graphics Inc.
416.588.0808 ext. 232